Outsiders Podcast

Outsiders Podcast

Latest Episodes

All Things In the Light: Our Talk with Amy Smith About Abuse Inside the Church
September 16, 2015

After our first show on spiritual abuse with Dale Fincher, we marveled at how widespread and epidemic this problem is, and continues to be. If you are like us, you haven't realized the prevalence of this epidemic of abuse in the church. But,

The Bible Tells Me So
September 04, 2015

Energetic and witty, Dr. Peter Enns is not your stereotypical Bible scholar. He has a gifted way of relating heady topics like inerrancy, hermeneutics, and the nature of God in a way that everyone can grasp.

The Naked Pastor Part 2: Why Questions are the Answer
August 28, 2015

It was a joy to have David Hayward back on our show! In our first interview with David, we spent time talking about his life, ministry, and cartoons. This time, we decided to dive a bit deeper.

Finding Freedom: Confronting the Epidemic of Spiritual Abuse
July 22, 2015

Dale Fincher, our guest on this show, makes a compelling case that some of the largest, most powerful denominations and church organizations have deeply accepted patterns of spiritual abuse - and they may not even be aware of it.

What Christians Need to Hear about Identity, Sexuality, and Caitlyn Jenner
June 27, 2015

When the story about Caitlyn Jenner broke, we knew we had to address the issue on our show for a couple of reasons. First, it's our belief that Christians should have the most compassionate and caring voice - for all people - no matter their sexuality...

How To Do Discipleship
May 29, 2015

We pick up where we left on in Part 1, answering the question "How do we naturally do what is good?" With our guest, Shane Kuester, we talk about the differences between the way that discipleship is taught in many churches versus the way discipleship ...

Undiluted Christianity
May 19, 2015

During this episode, Ben candidly discusses Undiluted Christianity, the Church, and how to bring them together again. Our conversation with him shows, not only his enthusiasm to see the church be light in the darkness,

A Vision for Discipleship, Part 1
May 05, 2015

Bringing spiritual formation into the church is not an easy task. For too long, congregants have been given the message that only God working in their life can bring about change. Accordingly, congregations faithfully attend Sunday services with the ...

The Evangelical Nomad – Brandan Robertson
April 03, 2015

Within ten minutes of our conversation, I knew Brandan Robertson was a tour de force. A graduate of Moody Bible Institute, published author, and a rising voice in the evangelical world, Brandan possess an encyclopedic mind and a servant's heart.

Persecution Complex
March 24, 2015

In his book, Persecution Complex, Jason Wiedel challenges the idea that Christians are the victims of a non-religious culture that seeks to snuff out our Christian heritage and replace it with secular ideals.
