Our Highest Work | Spiritual Business Growth

Our Highest Work | Spiritual Business Growth

Money *can* buy happiness, but there are far better deals...

October 15, 2015

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Money can buy happiness, but it's often a bad deal...
Oftentimes, marketing campaigns subtly suggest that by buying a product or service, we will have some form of lasting happiness.
But happiness is very expensive when you spend money to get it.
This is important for having a healthier relationship to money: don't depend on it for happiness!
Thankfully, there are other, much more affordable options to find happiness:
1. Plan to spend more time with someone you enjoy. If you are blessed to live with someone you love, spend more quality time with them! It makes happiness for two :) Or message a few friends to see who is available to get together this or next week. The anticipation itself will bring happiness, as will the gathering itself.
2. Plan to do something active, especially in nature. Within a 10-20 minute walk from where you live, there is probably a park, forest, lake, beach, or a hiking trail. Exercise in nature has numerous benefits, including keeping your brain healthy. And, both nature and exercise are proven ways to increase happiness. Compared to buying another thing, it costs you (and the earth) much less!
3. Do you own any books you haven't read? Reading brings happiness, whether it's a new book, or enjoying one that you've read before. If you are lucky to have a library near you, plan to spend some time there. These days, I read most of my books by borrowing them from the library. Knowing there's a due date makes me read them instead of letting them languish on a shelf!
4. Music brings happiness. You can discover new music with Pandora or iTunes Radio. Or make a playlist of your favorite music by finding them on YouTube, all for free.
5. The best way I like to create happiness is to do good to others. Do it simply from your heart. Do it because you enjoy helping and seeing others be happy. By doing so, you bring gladness to your heart, and you make new friends! The online community I created, "Our Highest Work" is a good place to connect with new kindred spirits: http://OurHighestWork.com/community
Go into that community and open your heart to others. The simplest way is to do "social media caring" -- just "like" and "comment" appreciatively on other people's posts, in the group itself, and on their profile. Then reach out to someone you resonate with and plan a short "get to know you" call with them. Or practice your "elevator speeches" together! You'll find yourself making new friends and who knows, maybe new referral partners too.
Next time you are presented with a product or service that purports to bring your happiness, take a pause. First, see if you can use one of the 5 healthy options above. Spend less on stuff, and save your money for necessities, retirement, financial buffers, growing your true livelihood, and giving it to your favorite causes (or social venture investments).
That's a money formula for happiness!
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