Our Highest Work | Spiritual Business Growth

Our Highest Work | Spiritual Business Growth

Notice your energy state: Green, Yellow, Red?

October 02, 2015

For the video versions of these short episodes, go to http://georgekao.com/videos
"Are you in green, yellow, or red right now?"
This is a question I ask myself daily — multiple times a day — to maintain balance and flow.
Green = feeling deeply peaceful or happy. When working: being in flow, confident, feeling skillful or curious. When resting: feeling healthy, content.
Red = feeling exhausted and negative. Symptoms may include sadness, fear, hopelessness, overwhelm, anger.
Yellow = the boundary between Green and Red.
1. Practice noticing when you are in Green, Yellow, or Red. Especially notice when you are going into Yellow because that means you need to do some Renewal activities to get back into Green. You may want to set a recurring alarm on your phone, say every 2-4 hours, to remind you to ask "Am I in Green, Yellow, Red? What can I do right now to move more into Green?"
2. Renewal activities to get back into Green include:* Deep, gentle breaths* Smiling* Laying down (on floor for 3 minutes or nap for 15)* Movement (stretch, walk around, move arms & legs)* Water (or tea or coffee)* Food (if you haven't eaten anything for 2 hours, get a small healthy snack to stay balanced)* Ambience (favorite music, or aromatherapy)
When people are in Green, great things happen in the world. There's happiness, kindness, optimism, confidence, and good things get done!
When people are in Red, there's stuckness, wallowing, violence (emotional, psychological, even physical), people dumping negativity on each other.
Let's change the world by helping each other notice Green, Yellow, Red, and to move into Green as much as possible. Let's start with ourselves!
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