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Our Highest Work | Spiritual Business Growth

Short Tip -- The Only "Perfect" Marketing Formula: Experiment, Learn, Modify

August 14, 2015

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Have you been sold a formula that's supposed to work in your business/marketing, or some perfect strategy for success… but it didn't work for you?
Did you feel like there must have been something wrong in how you implemented the advice? 
Or due to the failure, you felt something was wrong with you?  
Or "if you only worked hard/smart enough" or if you had only attended enough Q&A calls?
Or worse of all: the "perfect" formula for you is out there... and you maybe the next program you buy will be the one? 
(I recommend that you *stop* spending money on programs/trainings/coaching that sound too good to be true… from 10 years of buying such programs -- and 5 years of selling them, I have yet to find a hyped-up "six figure" training/coaching program that actually delivers the promised results except for a very small minority of its buyers.  The testimonials they give about massive success are about a very, very small percentage of the buyers... who sometimes would have succeeded anyway without the program.  It is a little like playing the lottery.)
What I've learned from a decade of business experience about marketing and sales or what I call "enrollment", is that successful marketers think in terms of Experimentation, rather than seeking some golden formula that will always work.
It's not:
"This launch better work, or else I'm sunk!"
…but rather:
"I'm going to launch in as simple and lean a way I can, so I can observe, learn, modify, then launch again."
So if there is any marketing formula to trust, it goes like this: Experiment, Learn, Modify, and repeat that again and again until you are consistently talking to the right people, with the right message, making the right offer.
Beware of having a lottery mindset — "This formula/program/strategy is going to solve all my business problems!" 
Instead, keep this thought: "The more experiments, the better my chances.  The way forward is to experiment more."
Spend the *least* amount of time/money/drama per launch, or outreach campaign, so that you can learn, modify, and experiment again.
If you are marketing online, know this: There are UNLIMITED audiences for your business… practically speaking.  You'll never be able to reach them all in your lifetime.  
And, the ones you reach out to, you can reach out to again every 3-12 months.
This mindset is applicable whether we are talking about:
Prospective clients
Prospective referral sources
Speaking to audiences online (webinars, etc)
You need to have enough experiments so that you can learn enough to experiment more… until you reach the level of business success you dream of.
To have enough experiments, commit to action, for example: 
Commit to a number of …  
Prospective clients to reach per week
Prospective partners to contact per week
Launches per year… 
The way forward is to Experiment, Learn, Modify.
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