Our Highest Work | Spiritual Business Growth

Our Highest Work | Spiritual Business Growth

Short Tip -- Your life experience & wisdom is important! Share a little something everyday...

August 05, 2015

Because we have access to the Internet, You and I have an opportunity and a responsibility:
Each thing we post on social media has the effect of moving the Global Brain / Heart in the direction of more wisdom, love, and courage... or towards more negativity or distraction.
I encourage you to post a little content everyday. You can simply post one paragraph about what is meaningful, important to you... or what would move the world towards greater understanding, freedom, and joy.
This day you have an opportunity to help shape the Global Brain / Heart.
It doesn't matter if what you want to say, is already being said, or something you've said before. Your audience needs your reminders.
Staying in positivity, or remembering what is True, is a daily, even moment-by-moment job. We need reminders of what we already know to be true. In the face of everything else being posted online, your voice is especially important now.
Don't be afraid to repeat what you've said before! Your audience needs it.
If you aren't posting due to fear of others not liking what you say, try this:
Each time you post, imagine somebody is needing your content right now. Because somebody does.
And once you post your content, imagine that someone's life is being changed in some small positive way that will ripple out into the world.
And for some reason, they aren't able to "like" or comment right now. It's more true than you might realize. Imagine the silent ripple effect you have with each thing you post... The waves are much bigger than you think and one day you may finally see it.
No matter how small you think your audience is, someone is reading and appreciating. You ARE making a difference.
To watch the video and comment: click here.
More of George Kao's free content here: www.GeorgeKao.com