Once Upon a Wine - Fanfic. Performed. Inebriated.

Once Upon a Wine - Fanfic. Performed. Inebriated.

Once Upon a Wine Episode 111 – Not the Mama

May 04, 2017


Erin, Ace, and Andrea are joined by Lyndsay Palmer (check her out on PHAMALY.org) to discuss the newest episode of Once—The Black Fairy. While discussing the show, and it's many saviors, Erin has a minor breakdown before getting to theories on the remainder of the season (series?). Also, the future of the podcast is teased some more.

Drink when you hear: 'The Black Fairy'.

Once Upon a Time airs Sundays at 8:00pm PST!
Once Upon a Wine available for download Thursday's by 12:00 pm PST (ish)!
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