OST LIVE - Blockchain, Brand Tokens, and Token Economies

OST LIVE - Blockchain, Brand Tokens, and Token Economies

Ethereum 2.O Explained with Gregory Markou of ChainSafe Systems

February 20, 2019

Gregory Markou is a Partner and VP Engineering at ChainSafe Systems, the team behind the Göerli testnet. Ethereum 2.O, also known as Serenity, is a network upgrade to the Ethereum network that hopes to increase transaction throughput, be energy efficient, and maintain a balance between decentralisation and security. Markou will explain the benefits, development status, and implications of Ethereum 2.O.

Chainsafe: https://chainsafe.io/
Ethereum Research: https://ethresear.ch
Team Behind ETH2.0: https://goo.gl/2JWzXA

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