OST LIVE - Blockchain, Brand Tokens, and Token Economies

OST LIVE - Blockchain, Brand Tokens, and Token Economies

People of OST: Swaminathan Jayaraman, Lead User Experience Designer

February 13, 2019

Swaminathan Jayaraman is a product designer with a focus on digital experiences and startups. He loves to travel and backpack since taking truck rides at the age of 10. He brings the same enthusiasm, edge, and interests to design and product management. Apart from travel and design, he is scouting for junior local tennis talent in India.

Read on Medium: https://goo.gl/8rA6S7
Listen on iTunes: https://goo.gl/jzyhcy
Watch on YouTube: https://goo.gl/B3A3bb
Listen on Alexa: https://goo.gl/z7MU1z


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