The Oral Health Show

The Oral Health Show

What Causes Tooth Loss? | The Oral Health Show #013

April 22, 2014

Are you worried about the loss of teeth? Do you think there is the possibility of one or more of your teeth being lost? There are several reasons why someone is at risk of tooth loss and the problem can affect anyone at any age.

If you’re interested in improving your oral health and preventing tooth loss then you’ll want to invest 20 minutes to listen to this edition of The Oral Health Show. In this episode, your host Nick Jaworski interviews Dr. Norm Ickert, Director of Ickert Dental Implant Centre about the main causes for tooth loss and what precautions you should take to prevent it.

If you have had an accident where your face was injured or you have had dental procedures in the past, this podcast is an important reminder of how you can prevent further damage from occurring.

The Causes of Tooth Loss

Dr. Ickert begins the episode describing the main causes of tooth loss. One of the key factors is that a tooth is never properly formed in the first place. This can either be a missing baby tooth which means an adult tooth will not form, or an adult tooth not forming after the natural loss of a baby tooth. Other common causes for loss of teeth are dental disease, mechanical failings and trauma.


One of the main topics which Dr. Ickert covers in this podcast is trauma, a major cause of tooth loss. It can relate to any sports or car accident but also to past surgical procedures which you may have had.

The signs of tooth loss in the case of trauma might come in the form of a blackening tooth, the root dissolving or the nerve dying. There is also risk of infection if there is a slight root fracture.

The trauma may not be evident straight away and the signs may appear years after the original accident.

Tooth Decay and Gum Disease

Tooth decay or dental disease, is a serious and complex condition caused by bacteria as explained by Dr. Ickert.

Managing the decay is critical in preventing dental disease and has been proven to lower the loss of teeth in patients. Sometimes though, the best option is to remove the infected tooth and manage the other teeth to prevent further problems from occurring.

Mechanical Failings

Dr. Ickert ends the episode talking about mechanical tooth loss. This is caused by bacteria infecting cracks within teeth, weakening the structure. To find out if you may be at risk of this, answer the following questions:

  • Have you had any procedures in the past?
  • Do you place any excessive stress on your teeth (grinding, crunching)?
  • Do you eat any hard food?
  • Are you missing any other teeth?

If so, perhaps now is the time to check your oral health.

Are You at Risk of Tooth Loss?

Do you think you could be at risk of losing teeth? Have you had an accident to the face and not gone to the dentist afterwards? If so, you could benefit from this short podcast and listen to Dr. Ickert to see what can be done. Afterwards come back and tell us what you thought.

The Ickert Dental Implant Centre is limited to implant-related dentistry, practicing comprehensive, aesthetic, and functional rehabilitative services that are both surgical and prosthetic in nature. Dr. Ickert is presently completing his Master’s Program in Oral Medicine and Implantology.

Ickert Dental Implant Centre

#105 – 8411 200th Street

Langley, British Columbia

Canada V2Y 0E7

Phone: 604-881-1381

Toll Free: (866) 981-1381




Twitter: @IckertDental (97)

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