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Divine Madness! - The ORACLE FORECAST, July 2014

June 27, 2014

Ana Cortez

Ana Cortez -

Thank you for listening! Just click the “play†button above.

Divine Madness at it’s finest! Note the wings on the heart just above the King.

In this forecast, for the new LUNAR CYCLE beginning June 27, 2014 (and continuing thru most of July,) the Oracles show a drunken, divine madness taking hold! We will take our directives directly from Spirit! – bypassing the logical mind completely, BUSTING WIDE open our heart space.

But don’t take my word for it! Get the full scoop by clicking the PLAY button above and listening to the forecast!

To find out how to use the Oracles for yourself, get my FREE Playing Card Oracles eBook, for a limited time HERE. If you would like the accompanying illustrated deck, you can purchase it HERE..

The full layout for the current lunar cycle – from The Playing Card Oracles deck.

I’d love to hear how your life aligns with the “Oracle Speak†forecast and your personal stories related to the forecast at the Ana Cortez forum, or you can email me at ana@anacortez.com. Join the Facebook Fan Page for the latest Oracle updates and news, and check out the new Playing Card Oracle practice group on Facebook, HERE. 

Music in this Podcast is “Mystical Trance†by Anugama, and “Raven Medicine†by Byron Metcalf.

THANK YOU FOR LISTENING, and have a completely COSMIC Lunar month!! And remember, when you ALIGN, you FLY!!



Divine Madness! – The ORACLE FORECAST, July 2014