Operation:Ultra Podcast

Operation:Ultra Podcast


April 15, 2014

Eric Grossman fell in love with running as a young Kentucky high school freshman.  Since then, his love for distance running has lead him to numerous wins, including a 2008 USATF 50 mile national championship.  As his life has evolved, so has his love of running. Now, he finds his sense of adventure in fast packing and chasing a FTK (fastest known time) record across the Colorado Trail.

Kentucky is birthing a new 100 mile trail run and we sit down with Race Director Susan Howell to talk about this October arrival.

Your Ultra To Do List:

Check out Eric's Blog.
Read the Grossman Motivation Series
Register for one of Eric's favorite races: Mountain Masochist, Promise Land 50K, and Hellgate 100k.  Or the toughest: Cruel Jewel 100.
Listen to our interview with Dr. David Horton.
Check out Thunder Rock 100 and Rock/Creek.
Get your copy of Relentless Forward Progress.
Register for Cloudsplitter 100 Mile/100K/50K/25K

Extras: Here's a picture from our family hike along Athens Big Fork.

Hike a trail. Plan a race. Find your adventure.

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 Photo credit: University of Kentucky