Custom Mobile, Web, and Online Marketing Services – Open Source Marketer

Custom Mobile, Web, and Online Marketing Services – Open Source Marketer

Using Social Profile Data to Know Your Customers with Janrain VP of Marketing, Jamie Beckland

June 13, 2014

Today's Open Source Marketer podcast guest is Jamie Beckland, VP of Marketing and Customer Success for Janrain. Janrain provides customer profile management across a variety of social networks, online platforms, and devices. Jamie runs the Digital and Social Media Strategy team for Janrain. He built his first international social community in 2004, and since then has developed digital marketing strategies for clients including Fox, Schlage, Dr Pepper, AOL, Wells Fargo, KinderCare, The Brookings Institution and many others. He frequently speaks and writes for Mashable, Social Media Examiner, iMediaConnection and other publications.

During our conversation, Jamie provided insights into the changing landscape of customer profile management. We discussed the importance of having a complete picture of customer preferences and we talked about why cookie based tracking doesn't work and what we can do to ensure that customers are having a good user experience across multiple properties and devices.

A full transcript of the conversation is provided below. It's an excellent read with lots of great insights. I highly recommend, you either listen to the podcast, watch the video, or read the transcript. What Jamie shares is truly eye-opening.

Have questions?

Let's continue the conversation on Facebook.

Charles McKeever
Full Transcript:
CHARLES MCKEEVER: All right! Welcome back to Open Source Marketer!

I’m your host, Charles McKeever, and today we’re talking about how to customize interactions with your customers using social profile data.

Joining us to explore the topic is Jamie Beckland, VP of Customer Success at Janrain.

Jamie, thanks for being here!

JAMIE BECKLAND: Yeah, thanks for having me!

CHARLES: Jamie is an expert in today’s topic.

He’s helped Fortune 1000 companies integrate social media technologies into their websites to improve their acquisition and engagement. He’s worked with private entities, government, universities, and non-profit, and he’s also written for a variety of publications including Mashable, Social Media Examiner, and iMediaConnnection. So, we’re thrilled to have him here with us today on Open Source Marketer.

Now, in addition to personalizing your user’s experience, we’re also going to touch on social media privacy, managing your brand’s reputation without being creepy, and the end of online identity demographics.

So, before we dive into all of that, Jamie, tell us about Janrain. What does Janrain do?

JAMIE: Sure. Janrain manages customer profiles for brands and websites. So, any time you want to create an account, that could be a traditional username and password, or it could be using a social profile to manage the authentication. We’re very concerned with making sure that a user is who they say they are, so that means they have to have control over a password or a social media account in order to be able to authenticate. And then, sharing and managing all of the data that comes back about that user and integrating it into the rest of the marketing technology stack.

CHARLES: Okay. So, you guys are the data providers to larger organizations then? I mean, it sounds like you’re kind of a central hub for that kind of thing.

JAMIE: That’s right. We really do act as a central database or a central record for understanding all of those different aspects about who your customer is. So, you have interactions that happen on your website – you know, clickstream data, sort of when they watch a video, when they interact with a certain piece of content – and we’d store and manage all of that data.