Custom Mobile, Web, and Online Marketing Services – Open Source Marketer

Custom Mobile, Web, and Online Marketing Services – Open Source Marketer

Using Music To Create Brand Recognition with Colleen Fahey, U.S. Managing Director Sixieme Son

September 01, 2014

Sound is part of a universal language that can convey emotion, communicate information, and help us understand how to navigate our daily lives. It can also be a powerful tool for creating brand recognition. Today's guest is Collen Fahey, U.S. Managing Director Sixieme Son, an audio branding agency exclusively dedicated to sound identity, audio branding architecture and in-store sound design. Collen explained that audio branding is not about jingles or licensing popular music. It’s the art of creating a brand¹s distinct audio identity that expresses its personality and values while managing all of the necessary customer touch points. The conversation...