ESO-RP An Elder Scrolls Podcast

ESO-RP An Elder Scrolls Podcast

ESO-RP Episode 29 B2P, Lore, and Rumors

January 31, 2015

1.       Game/Community News

  • ESO IS B2P Now. Thoughts?

  • If anyone wants to play an ashlander we’ve got a few tribes going on. The one with a guild is run by @No_Frets.

  • Update 6 is coming to PTS in less than a week

2.      RP Event News


  • [NA - DC] Unofficial Tavern Night - Tuesdays - 8pm EST onwards. A different location each week!

  • [NA - EP] The Gorging Time - Friday, Jan 30, 9 pm EST - Hissmir - An ancient Argonian celebration. The Banescale Fellowship welcomes all people of the Pact to come join in traditional Argonian song, dance and food!

  • [NA-AD] Roots of The Moravar (Public Valenwood Story)

  • [EU][EP] House of The Listener - Discussions, Judgements, Voting and Executions - First Tuesday of the Month 20:30 CET/19:30 GMT Event 2 Location: Mournhold, City Center Stage - Public talks about issues in the Pact

  • [NA][EP] The Lectures of Sees-in-Shadow - Tuesday, Jan 27, 9 pm est - lecture on Argonian Physiology at the Healing Sanctuary in Deshaan


  • other weekly stuff too


3.       Lore

  • Thoughts on the new Areas coming to the game?:

    • Murkmire

    • Orsinium

    • Mephala’s Realm

    • The Clockwork City


RP Discussion Topic


5.       Personal Story Time

  • What happened with you RPwise this week?

  • Any cool things happen in game for you?


6.       Rumors


(Kind of two-in one)

A massive cathay-raht, actually small for his breed, with orange fur and black stripes has been seen circling the Woodhearth tree-tavern. He bears the symbol of the Bramblescar Clan, recognized by some of the locals as a fledgling mercenary group with other somewhat political and cultural motivations. When approached by a guard he became aggressive, snarling and shoving the armored altmer before continuing his self-appointed patrol. A bosmer merchant had more luck getting the khajiit to speak and learned that the moravar have returned to the area.


Multiple cases of Blood Lung have been popping up in Woodhearth among non-bosmer. It's not clear whether it was introduced to the population before or after Loredas, but some merchants recall a staff carrying bosmer buying out much of the herbs and other ingredients used in curing the disease, before anyone began to show clear symptoms.



Overheard at the Ebon Flask - "So there I was, mindin' m' own bidness, then I hear tell that this fella Vehk Hlaalu is guilty of 'ERESY! No shite, I 'eard it wi' m' own two ears. "E's gonna get a fair 'n impartial trial followed by a first class 'angin' ... or be'eadin' or whatever these dunmer folk do t' execute a body. No wastin' time on fancy things as justice. Nope. Not the dunmer way. No sirree Bob."


"'N who walks in all swaggerin' 'n stompin' wi' a look on 'er face that says 'I 'ave 'ad jus' about enough o' this kack'? Sebaya fetchin' Indoril, the great gran' pooh babe 'erself! Aye, I swears on Malauch's mangy nethermane, itself! Makin' wi' th' threats o' 'eresy at m' Lady Muthsera .. in 'er own 'ome! What yarbles! Steel ones! ... 'ow can she stand wi' balls so big? It get's better! She got th' spien t' say tha' th' Dres ain' gonna use food prices as a cudgel no more or face charges of 'eresy! Now ain't tha' the picture of th' pot callin' th' kettle black? She's a right Lady Cudgelballs 'erself tha ... oh, look at th' time! I best be orf afore the goldenbucket 'eads come 'n toss me in a 'ole."



A merchant Dunmer looking to establish trading routes in the city of Wayrest was apprehended in Covenant lands. The perp, one Councilor Vehk Hlaalu, has been accused of war crimes against the Covenant and of spying for our relentless enemy, the Ebonheart Pact. As a part of Morrowind's government, he is an important P.O.W.


Astoundingly, the treacherous mer somehow managed to force the lock off his cell, despite the fact that he'd been submitted to a thorough search and interrogation prior to his incarceration. In addition to the grevious crimes of this mer, we add the crimes of jail break and threatening the life of the Captain of the Wayrest Guard. A knife was left on the Captain's nightstand the morning after the scoundrel mer escaped. The pertinent authorities are looking into his escape. A bounty of ten-thousand gold is offered to those who lead to this mer's successful arrest.

Citizens are advised to be alert! The subject is a male dunmer. He stands at 5'10" and wears stubble and short, black hair. The prisoner also has noticeably ruby-red eyes. He may be trying to get on a ship or travel east. Any suspicions should be reported immediately to the local authorities. The subject is dangerous and presumed to be armed! Do not approach him yourselves.