On The Wards: On The Pods Medical Podcast for Doctors

On The Wards: On The Pods Medical Podcast for Doctors

Orientation when starting as a Junior Medical Officer

June 15, 2021

In this podcast Jules Willcocks chats to Rob Pearlman and Sonia Chanchlani about why orientation and handover is so important for new Junior Doctors taking to the wards for the first time.

Summary Writer:  Eloise Sobels

Script Writer:  Peter Hoppett

Editors:  Jules Willcocks

Interviewees:  Sonia Chanchlani and Rob Pearlman

Interviewer:  Jules Willcocks

About Dr Rob Pearlman
Rob Pearlman taught himself to code during internship and built MedApp, his response to the inefficiencies that a Junior Doctor experiences whilst rotating through different hospitals and terms. Since launching MedApp in 2015, the platform is now deployed in 50 public and private hospitals across Australia, New Zealand, UK and Canada with 22,000 clinicians using it to access site-specific hospital information. Rob is passionate about health tech and improving Doctor mental health. Outside of MedApp, Rob continues to regularly assist in theatres, and enjoys cycling, swimming and Sci-fi.

About Dr Sonia Chanchlani
Balancing clinical forensic medicine and training with the Royal College of Medical Administrators across Western Australia, New South Wales, and Queensland, Sonia Chanchlani completed a dual Masters in Health Management and Public Health alongside research into interventions to promote clinician wellbeing. Advocating for junior doctors and enabling a safe working environment led to her being appointed as the Director of Clinical Training at the Royal Brisbane Women's Hospital prior to her current role as the Chief Medical Officer at MedApp working closely with organisations to ensure governance, clinician engagement, and wellbeing are prioritised.