Only Girls

Only Girls

39 Summer Girls

July 06, 2018

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO... US! Guys it's our super cute first birthday!!!!! I know, we are like, so young it's bonkers. Just sunscreen and lots of water. Anyway, in honor of our pod anniversary, we are closing out season two with a summer banger, the original song of summer, the song that made frost tips sexy, "Summer Girls" by LFO. Sarah feels feelings about these Boston toolbags she didn't know still lived inside her and truly tries to defend these lyrics while Natalia enlightens us on the band's storied past and legitimately tragic end. We also touch briefly on ANOTHER song by LFO with "girl" in the name, "Girl on TV." They gave us so much. Thank you all for listening and being amaaaaaazing fans!!! See you all in Season 3!

What do you want to hear from us next season? Let us know at or leave a voicemail at 903.35.GIRLS.

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