One Badass Life Podcast

One Badass Life Podcast

OBAL 006: How to Spend Thousands Less on Groceries

February 09, 2014

Groceries can dominate your budget. But where do you start? Listen in to our discussion on how to save thousands on your groceries.

In the last four years people have increase their spending on groceries by 17%. According to the USDA, the average household groceries budget in the United States is $150-$200 per week. That’s $7,800-$$10,400 per year! Through a lot of planning and budgeting we have been able to get ours down to $50-$75 per week! We discussed the following four tips that got us where we are:

  • Groceries can dominate your budget excluding your mortgage
  • Making a plan
  • Stocking up for rainy day
  • Sticking to the list!

Be sure to download our Save Thousand on Groceries premium content mentioned in this podcast. This download will give you all the sites that Tracie uses to help put together our master shopping list. This premium download is available for free for a limited time. Download it at our resources page and join our Badass Membership!

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If you’d like to comment in this episode, please go to the bottom of this podcast. We look forward to reading your comments.

We are glad you joined us. Now go live one badass life!

The post OBAL 006: How to Spend Thousands Less on Groceries appeared first on One BadAss Life.

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