One Badass Life Podcast

One Badass Life Podcast

OBAL 005: A Teen’s Perspective on Social Media and Parents [Podcast]

February 02, 2014


Podcast Post


“OBAL 005: A Teen’s Perspective on Social Media and Parents”

by Tracie and Lonny Rollins

Listen to this podcast on my website…




A Teen’s Perspective on Social Media and Parents
February 2nd, 2014

Hello and welcome to the One Badass Life Podcast Episode 005. It’s our mission to bring the latest and greatest tips that will help you achieve solid F’s in life. These F’s include family, finance, fun, and freedom.

If you have teens, it’s likely they engage with their friends through social media. Parenting is hard enough without the internet. So we have brought in a special guest to guide us on:

  • Top five social media sites used by teens
  • How and why these sites are being used by teens
  • Advice and tips on how we as parents can engage with teens through social media
  • How do parents keep awareness up on what their teens are doing
  • Five things parents should not be doing on social media
  • Secrets that your kids don’t want you to know about!

We have a special giveaway for you this month. Be sure to visit our website to learn how you can get your free copy of A Busy Parent’s Guide to Social Media-Facebook Edition. Go to our resources page to download it today.

Be sure to support our podcast by sharing it with others and rating our podcast on iTunes. Ratings helps us keep our podcast visible, giving other a chance to check our podcast out. A special thanks to those that have already provided a rating.

If you’d like to comment in this episode, please go to the bottom of this podcast. We look forward to reading your comments.

We are glad you joined us. Now go live one badass life!

Right Click Here to Download this Episode Now

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