One Strong Woman Podcast w/C.A Buycks

One Strong Woman Podcast w/C.A Buycks

OSW 007 – An Invitation to Jump into the Deep End

October 21, 2015


“When He had stopped speaking, He said to Simon, “Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.” 
                                                                                      ~Luke (Luke 5:4)
In this episode, I share my recent experience at a women's monthly meeting and how God spoke to us about going deeper. It's time out for the shallow and comfortable things, don't you think? The shallow conversations, the shallow friends, the shallow life—the shallow, the shallow, the shallow must go. There's so much more in the deep end if we decide to push away from the shore and dive into the will of God.

I discuss:

God's invitation to us to go deeper.
Moving away from the shallow and comfortable things.
Things I'm Diggin'
Here's what I'm asking God.
A tip to help you stand.

SCRIPTURE CORRECTION - I misquoted a scripture from the Apostle Paul. I said Revelation 1:17... Ha! It's Ephesians 1:17 - 18.
Oceans song by Hillsong United
Project Rediscover: Getting Back to the Bible @ Metro Christian Fellowship Church (starts at 12 noon)
Wife Life Conference
1st Mid-West Harlem Book Fair
Thank you for taking the time to be inspired and encouraged to be One Strong Woman.
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Photo credit: Flickr Erin Khoo
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