Overcome Online Overwhelm

Overcome Online Overwhelm

Episode 121: Andrew McCauley discussed about one of his favorite tools for Productivity

December 30, 2014

Andrew McCauley discussed about one of his favorite tools for Productivity

Laura: Alright Andrew, it’s that time again. Tool Time Tuesday. So please share a tool that you use on a regular basis, and why it is that you suggest our listeners use it as well.


Andrew: Laura, one of the tools I use every day in my business is Evernote. Now I’m not sure if anyone else has ever mentioned Evernote, but one of my favorite tools because it lets me do a number of things.


Firstly, I can create notes and share them in folders with the rest of my team. So for instance, we’re working on a communal project. I can actually create a folder and invite certain members of my team to that folder so that we can see what the notes are, what the previous notes were, and interact with each other’s thoughts around that project.


The other thing I like about Evernote is that it can also grab web pages that you come across. So let’s say, for instance, you come across an article that really resonates where you want to use it for some research down the track. You can basically grab that article and stick it into Evernote so you can come back and read it later. It preserves the links and all that sort of stuff and the images in the video so you can actually watch all of that from inside Evernote.


Now what I also like about Evernote is that it has an ipad version, it has a web version, it has an iPhone version, and it also has a desktop version that you can actually read when you’re not connected online. So if you’re one of those people that travels and you haven’t got wifi and you want to look at your laptop, you can open it up. It will sync every time you’re connected to wifi as well.


I prefer the web version because it’s always synced, but the great thing is that I have got all the information that I need whenever I need it because I’m in my Evernote. I’m adding followers and content to it all the time.


One of the tricks about Evernote is if you label your folders properly, then you ought to get lost where your information is.


Another cool feature of Evernote too is that it actually has a microphone attached to it. So if you’ve got an idea and you want to say, “You know what, I’m going to try... I want to talk about this idea,†When you’re writing a book or you’re writing a blog post, you can click the microphone, speak into it. It actually records your voice so that you’ve got a recording of that thought inside your Evernote. You can share with your other team members as well.


Laura: Yeah, it’s such a powerful application. As you know, I live on it, but it’s something that I’m even able to use to basically create all of the content that I have. So any time I create a new course, Evernote is where I’m building that because I’ll have my master notebook, which is that course, and then I’ll have individual notebooks underneath it for each chapter within that course for research, for marketing ideas, but it becomes a catch-all that I actually refer to as my marketing bible because everything that I find on a given topic or anything that I’m working on, any ideas that I had, as you shared, can all go into one place that can then be accessed from anywhere.


So I’m so glad that you shared this as one of your top tools because I know me personally, if I had five tools that they were the only five I could ever use, hands down, this is one of them.


Andrew: Yup, I agree. I agree. And it’s easy to use. And the other cool thing about it is that it tells you what date you created your folder, but also what date were things modified? So if you do have a team member that came in and modified something, you can see the date that it was changed, so you know, you’ve got the latest version as well.