Overcome Online Overwhelm

Overcome Online Overwhelm

Episode 120: Elaine Lindsay’s secret to build her personal list

December 29, 2014

Elaine Lindsay's secret to build her personal list

Laura: So Elaine, as every accomplished online marketer knows, the money always comes from one place, and that is the list, so what is one insider secret that you can share on how it is that you build your personal list?


Elaine: OK, for me, one thing that quite often I don’t see necessarily on other websites is I have a lot of my email sign-up forms on my website and my blog. A lot of people tend to put one sign-up form and hope that works for them. Well the trick is, you know what, people don’t always look where you want them to.


So for me, I have a newsletter sign-up at the top of my side bar and yours really should be there. Even if you only have one, it should be there. I have one at the top of each page. I have one on my About page that’s actually within the content, and I have one in the footer of my site.


Within your blog, it should be on every blog post. There should be a call-to-action there so that people can opt in to get on your list because it is basically your lifeline.


Laura: Such great information. It’s so true. If you go look at any of the big marketing powerhouse websites, that is one consistent thing that you will see across all of them is that there’s never just one place to sign up, and it’s such an important point.


Plus, you never know how people are going to enter your website. It may not be going to your homepage. It may very well be that they came across one of your articles by doing a Google search, especially if you’ve done a masterful job with SEO.


So remembering to take a step back and say OK, not that it’s my website, but if I’m a visitor coming to this site, are there enough opportunities for me to be able to take that action and join the list. If you don’t have those opportunities there, and let’s say that you’re just relying on a homepage opt-in, you’re going to miss so many opportunities that you’re not going to be able to get back.


Elaine: Yeah, that’s so true. That’s so true. It is really key that basically in my head, every page there is has to have a minimum of two.