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Overcome Online Overwhelm

Episode 109: Andrew McCauley shares his favorite Mindset Book to excel in business

December 22, 2014

Andrew McCauley shares his favorite Mindset Book to excel in business

Laura: Andrew, I don’t know if you’ve seen the same thing that I have, but definitely over the course of coaching business owners and helping people to excel, what I’ve noticed is that a lot of people have mastered their business skills. They are great at whatever it is that they’re specialty is, but oftentimes, those that are struggling with seeing the success that they want to see are usually struggling with the mindset piece. So they know their business, but the mind isn’t right. So I’m wondering if you have a favorite mindset book that you read that you recommend that would help somebody to get their mindset straight so they can excel in business.


Andrew: You know, I am going to mention a book which probably normally isn’t associated with mindset, but it was the book for me that changed the way I did everything, and that book was Rich Dad Poor Dad.


Now, there may be a lot of business or financial essence inside that book, but one of the things that that book did for me when I first read it many years ago was change the way I was able to look at business as a whole. And it was that leaping border, that particular book that really started opening my eyes to a whole series of other mindset books.


Now, I’ve read a lot of books from different, you know, mindset personal development people like Tony Robbins and T. Harv Eker and that sort of thing. They’re all great books and I recommend reading those as well, but the first one for me was all about how do I change my focus around my financial situation and what do I need to change about my mindset in terms of that? So Rich Dad Poor Dad was one for me.


Let me give you another book that helped me as far as business goes, that was a book called Predictable Success by Les McKweon, and basically, he talks about the business owner, the small business owner getting started that they’re in that wheel, that circle of business where they’re the entrepreneur. They’re creating some great ideas. They’re coming up with beautiful things to do for their business, but then, they are also the workers. They’re the operation side of it. They have to go in and they have to go and start managing that. They have to make those thoughts come to fruition, and it becomes a circle.


And in his book, he talks about the mindset of how that really plays on entrepreneur. One minute, they’re creating something new. There’s a new book. There’s a new cause. There’s a new information that they want to get out to their customers. But then I have to go and take off that hat and become an operations person, and he talks about how you deal with that sort of mind jumbling from one style of person to another. And I found that very, very fascinating book to read, especially when we’re in that stage of growing, although we couldn’t grow because we were too busy doing one thing, and then when that one thing was achieved, we had to go back and do the second half of it.


So predictable success by Les McKweon was the other mindset business book that I really, really enjoyed, and Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki was the first one I mentioned.

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