Overcome Online Overwhelm

Overcome Online Overwhelm

Episode 102: Andrew McCauley’s tip to Push Through and Overcome Tougher Times in Business

December 18, 2014

Andrew McCauley’s tip to Push Through and Overcome Tougher Times in Business

Laura: Andrew, one thing that we all know – In fact, this even affects the OMS mentors – is that there are times in every entrepreneur’s life when overwhelm just creeps in. It just does. And when that happens, oftentimes, it opens the door to fear and doubt.


So I want to know from you what is one tip that you would share with our listeners for being able to push through and overcome those tougher times in business.


Andrew: Yeah Laura, it certainly does and we know exceptionally, the OMS mentors have all had that time. It happens all the time. You know, regularly, we’re getting overwhelmed when we look at and go wow, how do we even achieve what we’re supposed to achieve. That is a list that’s just too big to tackle, and this is one of those things that happens regularly.


So what I do is I go back to my little goals and say, “OK, how can I get through this? What is the minimum thing that I need to do to make a forward step? What do I need to do to make that step, take that step forward to get through this particular goal?†So all this overwhelm.


So I make sure I’ve got my little goals there. I pull out my Google goal sheet and say, “What is the most important part?†Let’s check that off, and when I’ve done that, yay, I’ve done it as a win. Move on to the next part. I don’t look at it.


When I notice myself going in overwhelm, I just take a step back and say, “Whoa, whoa, whoa, there’s no need to get into overwhelm. Let’s just do one piece at a time.â€


You know, if you’re going to drive from one city to another, and let’s say it’s a thousand miles away, you’re not going to wait for all of the lights to be green before you leave home. You’re going to hit some red lights somewhere along the way. Just do it as you go. Take that step. So begin the journey and cross that bridge when it comes to it. Do those steps. Mark them off. Achieve that little bit and then continue on. Don’t let that overwhelm stop you in that journey.


Laura: I think it’s such a great point that you bring up and I love your analogy about the green lights because the truth is if you waited to take that journey until all lights were green, you would never ever get there. Ever. And business is no different. The only way that you will reach your goal is if you do it one step at a time.


And it is true. It affects all of us, and I think we’re really fortunate that we have each other because not only do the OMS mentors have this business unit that we have the built that we help other people, but we’ve helped each other by being able to have accountability with one another, being able to have somebody that will check in with you and say, “Hey wait, why are you getting overwhelmed if you do ABC and D? It’s just three steps. You could do it. It’s easy. You can tackle it.â€


And sometimes, the things that are in our way, the hurdles that we have to overcome, they’re really bigger in our minds than they are in reality, and being able to do things one step at a time helps you refocus on the true size of those hurdles versus the way that your mind has twist them into being much bigger than they are.

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