The Online Learning Podcast

The Online Learning Podcast

OLP121 How Colour can impact your Udemy Courses with Kristen Palana

September 04, 2015

In today's Episode of the Online Learning Podcast, I am delighted to welcome Kristen Palana, a Professor of Multimedia from the American University in Rome and a successful Udemy instructor. Kristen shares her mastery of colour psychology and explains how you can use colour to effectively stand out in Udemy and make your courses more engaging for your students.

In this Week's Episode: Kristen Palana
In this Episode Kristen and I discuss:

How her Colour Psychology course to help be more impactful
How colour psychology can help the way people perceive you
Web design course helps you with your website design
How you can get to grips with Wordpress
Her crowd funding experience based on 10 years of experience
How imaging and colour psychology can impact your business
What colour psychology can mean across borders
How gender can affect colour choices
How to use colour to affect the way people think about you
How to use colour to make your courses more effective
How to use colour in your lectures to have a positive impact
Where you should use colour in your Udemy lectures
Why you should avoid rainbow colours in your text
Why red and orange can invigorate your Udemy students
The importance of hierarchy in your online text
Why you need to avoid lack of contrast on your webpage
Why its easier to read black text on a white background
How Kristen makes her course images stand out
Why Kristen changes her images to contrast with other courses
How to make your images stand out to get promoted by Udemy

Find out More About Kristen's Courses
Check out Kristen on Udemy at
Get any of Kristen's courses for just $10 with Coupon Code OLP10 - or just click on the links below.
Wordpress in 1 Hour: Quick & Easy Essentials For Busy People
Creativity: Skyrocket Your Creativity
Create Quick & Easy Unique Illustrations In Illustrator
Photoshop | GIMP Spotlight: Top Image Hacks You NEED to Know
Make It Happen: Empowering Women for Success - FREE
Crowdfunding Confidential: Raise Money for You & Your Cause
Web Snax: Super Simple Recipes for Easy Web Design
Life Hack With Color Psychology: Increase Your Influence
Web Design Do's and Don'ts: Evaluate Your Web Site
Find out More about Kristen
You can find out all about Kristen on her website at
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