Tribe Rocket Inc.

Tribe Rocket Inc.

Latest Episodes

#017: Good Times & Compliance Signs in the Permian Basin & Eagle Ford Shale
October 02, 2014

Roses are red, violets are blue, and OSHA will fine you a bunch of cash if you don't have compliance signs. Thank you very much, Captain Obvious. What else you got? Operators are killing it in the Eagle Ford and Permian Basin right now. Strike two. You

#016: Paul Caplan of Rigzone on the Great Big Crew Change
September 26, 2014

Some people call it the Big Crew Change. Some people call it the Great Crew Change. But after this interview with Paul Caplan, it was clear neither name did the event justice. Therefore, we give you: THE GREAT BIG CREW CHANGE 50% of workers in the oil an

#012: Oilfield Sales — How to Target & Sell to Any Oil Company with Mark LaCour of Modal Point
June 25, 2014

Would you love to sell to Super Majors, but have no idea how to get in the door? Mark LaCour is here to show you just how easy oilfield sales can be. Listen Now (click here if you cannot see the audio player) Subscribe, Rate & Review iTunes St...

#011: How to Keep Royalty Owners Lovin’ the Oil Bidness with Keith Mauck of
June 17, 2014

We're told royalty owners hate the oil business. But Keith Mauck found 90% would gladly lease their land again. We discuss why and how to keep it that way. Listen Now (click here if you cannot see the audio player) Subscribe, Rate & Review iTunes Stitcher

#010: Keystone XL, Eagle Ford, and Natural Gas with Forbes Writer David Blackmon
April 28, 2014 writer David Blackmon joins us to discuss the latest on the Keystone XL, Eagle Ford Shale, and the surprisingly strong natural gas market. Plus, I get all up on my soap box talking about how insourcing your content is not optional in this week'

#009: How to Maximize Your Trade Show ROI with Megan Ledford of the NAPE Expo
April 21, 2014

Megan Ledford from the NAPE Expo joins us to discuss strategies you can use to maximize your trade show investment. We also cover how to use content to shorten up your sales cycle and close more business in this week's Pay Zone Power Move. Lastly, we touc

#008: Networking Like a Boss with Jennifer Valencia of Unleaded Communications
April 14, 2014

Jennifer Valencia of Unleaded Communications joins us to discuss how to build your oil and gas network into an army of advocates. We also take a quick detour into sales strategies and cover ways to bride your online and offline networking gaps. Listen No

#007: How to Shape the Debate via Twitter w/ Energy In Depth [Podcast]
April 09, 2014

Steve Everley of FTI Consulting and Energy In Depth joins us to discuss how you can use Twitter to shape the public debate about oil and gas. We went a little long, but that's Steve's fault! He's too darn smart and I couldn't stop asking him questions :)

#006: How to Fully Engage Your Audience w/ Cabot Oil and Gas [Podcast]
March 24, 2014

Brittany Thomas from Cabot Oil and Gas joins us this week to discuss how to reach and fully engage your audience both online and offline. We talk the benefits of transparent internal and external communication, and she shares loads of tips on how to ma...

#005: How to Engage Barnett Shale Skeptics with Ed Ireland [Podcast]
March 17, 2014

Listen Now[podcast](click here if you can't see the audio player) Ed Ireland of the Barnett Shale Energy Education Council joins the Tribe this week to discuss how to engage a skeptical public. We also discuss how to make the most of your networking time