Tribe Rocket Inc.

Tribe Rocket Inc.

Oil and Gas Social Media: Your Customers Really Don’t Care About You

May 02, 2018

“We’re predicting oil and gas social media can convert leads. Story at 11.”

Do you have any friends or family members who call you up and only talk about themselves? Does that annoy you? Are you treating your customers and prospects the same way on social media?
Let’s talk about oil and gas social media, and what you can do online to move prospects along the buyer journey and through your marketing funnel.

Oil and Gas Social Media Transcript
Let’s talk about oil and gas social media.
Before we do that, let’s talk about your family! Everyone wants to do that! Especially, here on LinkedIn, hopefully, you’re seeing this over there or on YouTube or wherever… Facebook and so forth.
Let me ask you, do you have any family members who when you see their phone number pop up on your caller ID…
And you youngsters who don’t know what it’s like to answer a phone call and not know who’s on the other line, you just don’t know the struggle…
Do you have any family members who if you see their number on the caller ID, you know exactly what to expect? You look at the number and know if you pick up that phone, for the next 45 minutes you’re about to get an ear full of them, and nothing but them. What they have going on and how exciting all of that is until they’re bored or get another phone call and jump off the call.
Do you have any family members like that? I think you might! How about friends?
When these people show up on that caller ID of yours, are you very excited to take that call? Do you even want to hear from these people? No! Of course, you don’t.
Because all they do is talk about themselves. They’re not adding any value, they’re not building you up, they’re not asking you questions, they’re not developing a relationship. They’re just talking incessantly about themselves.
So what does any of this have to do with oil and gas social media?
Can You Spot My Target Keyword?
Well, as the title of this video says “Oil and Gas Social Media: Your Customers Really Don’t Care About You”. But, we are not quite getting that message because I went out there and I pulled up a dozen or more exhibitor’s social accounts that are coming for OTC…
And, actually, happy OTC Wednesday! If you’re seeing this next week, or in 2035…
I pulled up a handful of exhibitor Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn pages and wrote down the first few words on the very first status I saw. Just roll with me here and ask yourself, do you want to hear from these people?
Congratulations to our…
We are delighted…
Join us at OTC, booth number…
I saw that a lot.
Since our employees, or since “insert year” our employees have…
Congrats to our…
We are pleased to announce…
This one was pretty funny. 2012? They haven’t posted to their Facebook page since 2012 and yet they still have it linked on their website.
We aid in…
Learn more about our…
We are honored…
Our product is…
We’re celebrating…
We are now part of…
Our partners…
Ooh! You mentioned somebody else, congratulations!
Then another one from 2014. Actually, one tweet from 2014. Again, not sure why this is linked on your website. And then…
[Insert company name] is honored…