Oil and Gas Today with Chris Faulkner

Oil and Gas Today with Chris Faulkner

Oil and Gas Today with Chris Faulkner - Podcast #575

December 01, 2014

Episode Transcript:

ICF International, a world-wide consulting and policy firm based in Fairfax, Virginia, released a report recently indicating that hydraulic fracturing saves U.S. consumers billions of dollars a year.  The estimate for 2013 was savings up to $250-Billion dollars, and as much as a half-trillion dollars this year.  That’s based on where petroleum prices are now versus where ICF projects they would be without fracking.

On top of that, they suggest that gasoline is about a dollar lower today because of the American Shale Boom, than if there were no US production.   So while you’re driving around listening to this, and filling up with below-3.00 gasoline (unless, that is, you’re in California), realize everything I’ve been telling you is showing up.

This is why I LOVE fracking and say:  AMERICAN OIL FROM AMERICAN SOIL.

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The post Oil and Gas Today with Chris Faulkner – Podcast #575 appeared first on Breitling Energy Corporation.