Oil and Gas Today with Chris Faulkner

Oil and Gas Today with Chris Faulkner

Oil and Gas Today with Chris Faulkner - Podcast #527

August 21, 2014

Vladamir Putin has emerged as the world’s pariah.  And ironically, he recently praised Exxon Mobil as – quote – Russia’s old and reliable partner – end quote.  Why?

Because despite another increased wave of sanctions against Russia following the Malaysian Airline crash, Exxon is moving forward with it’s co-ventures with Russia’s Rosneft, the state-owned oil company, with a major drilling project in the Arctic Ocean.

This 700-million dollar project is only one of 40 major drilling ventures Rosneft had in the works.  But the latest round of sanctions bans the exporting of off-shore drilling technology to Russia, which could kill those plans.

Should Rex Tillerson and Exxon stop their affiliation with Russia while the sanctions are in place?  Personally, I wish they would.   Support the US, Exxon and make Russia feel the pain.

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