Oil and Gas Startups

Oil and Gas Startups

Engage | Rob Ratchinsky on Oil and Gas Startups

July 27, 2020

Rob Ratchinsky from Engage dropped by the studio this week for part 2. If you’ve been a long time listener, you’ll remember we had Rob on about a year ago so it was good to have him back and catch up on what they’ve been up to.

Engage is also now live on The Bullpen if you guys want to go check them out.

Show links

Connect with Rob: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rob-ratchinsky-1a3a33156/Learn more about Engage: https://engagemobilize.com/

Thank You to Our Sponsor

WolfePak Software

Oil prices this year have crushed us. But you know what we say – evolve or die. These days you have do way more with significantly less.

In order to do that, you need to streamline as many workflows as possible. WolfePak makes it easy to maintain a seamless handoff of data between departments and minimizes the tedious tasks of data entry.

In short, whether you’re an E&P, Oilfield Service Company, or on the Midstream side – they have business automation software to make your organization more efficient.

WolfePak automates the integration of oilfield data & back-office processes by enabling a single point of data capture that fuels accounting & finance operations.

Their new mobile app, WolfePak Pumper, automates the capture of pumper/gauger field data and makes it immediately available to the back office, letting you analyze trends and make decisions faster.

To learn more, go check them out at WolfePak.com.


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