Oil and Gas Startups

Oil and Gas Startups

W Energy Software | Pete Waldroop on Oil and Gas Startups

July 06, 2020

From co-founding multiple successful software companies to hiring all the right people — Pete Waldroop of W Energy Software explains how he’s still enjoying the startup life after 20 years.
Reach out to Pete on LinkedIn and learn more about W Energy Software.

Thank You to Our Sponsor
WellDatabase provides high quality datasets for production data, completions data, frac data, permitting, and more. It’s all packaged together in a single interface with great analytics and tools to make your life easier.
And now, they’re disrupting this space even more by recently launching their free plan which offers well level data completely free.
You can check out the episode we did with their founder & CEO John Ferrell as well as their live demo they recorded on The Bullpen on our site. Reach out to these guys directly at welldatabase.com to check it out for yourself.
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