The Oh So Pinteresting Podcast- Pinterest Tips

The Oh So Pinteresting Podcast- Pinterest Tips

Latest Episodes

New Features Bring Us Closer to Advertising on Pinterest OSP Episode 068
July 24, 2014

Have you taken a close look at your Pinterest feed in the past couple of days? There have been some big changes to what is appearing in the Pinterest feed. Each of the changes could be in preparation for the launch of the long anticipated promoted pins or

Using Pinterest for a Specialized Market OSP 067
July 17, 2014

If your blog or business caters to a specialized market or as they say in the Internet world, a narrow niche, does that mean that Pinterest can't work for you? Do you need to appeal to a huge audience to gain followers and get referral traffic to your sit

Hot Pinterest News- Advertising on Pinterest and Pinterest Passing Twitter OSP 066
July 10, 2014

Pinterest continues to receive funding and its valuation continues to skyrocket, as of June 2014 it is reported to be $5 BILLION. This meteoric rise brings additional attention which is causing the platform to rival Twitter in popularity and the developin

The Viral Problem of Spam on Pinterest are You a Victim? OSP Episode 065
May 15, 2014

They’re on Twitter. They’re on Facebook. They’re on Google+… They’re even on Pinterest too! Wherever people are online, scammers will always be there to try to lure people to their spammy sites. They will steal your pins or your boards and use t

Pinterest Guided Search OSP News May 2014 Episode 064
May 08, 2014

Pinterest is certainly changing the way people think about search engine tools. Pinterest Guided Search recently launched on the mobile version and it has the potential to greatly influence what users find on Pinterest.

Can B2B Businesses Really Succeed on Pinterest? Oh So Pinteresting OSP Episode 063
May 01, 2014

According to stats and surveys, Pinterest, due to its fast growing and massive user base, is able to drive more referrals than Google+, LinkedIn, and YouTube combined. Can B2B markets, which are often not very visual, gain traction with Pinterest as well

Thinking of Monetizing Your Pinterest Account? OSP Episode 062
April 24, 2014

"With great power, comes great responsibility." This philosophy doesn't just apply to superheroes that have been bitten by radioactive spiders, it also applies to Pinterest influencers, accounts with several thousand up to millions of followers. If you'r

Easy and Free Images for Pinterest OSP 061
April 17, 2014

It is next to impossible to tap into the power of Pinterest without having images in your website, right? But many marketers are often unsure of how to use complex graphic editing software such as Photoshop. Many are working with tight budgets and find i

Tight Budgets and Schedules How Nonprofits Can Use Pinterest OSP Episode 060
April 10, 2014

“70% of Pinterest users are there for shopping inspiration” was revealed in a study on MarketingLand. Do stats like these mean that nonprofits don’t have a use for Pinterest?

Easy Images for Pinterest with Canva and an Announcement
April 09, 2014

There's a change in the Oh So Pinteresting schedule. Podcast episodes will now be released each Thursday and new blog posts will be published on Mondays. Today, I bring you a mini podcast episode but be sure to come back tomorrow for this week's full len