Occult of Personality podcast

Occult of Personality podcast

Mysteries of Dionysios with Peter Mark Adams

March 25, 2020

Welcome to Occult of Personality: esoteric podcast extraordinaire. I’m your host, Greg Kaminsky and your co-host is Rudolf Berger.

This is episode number 201, featuring an interview with Peter Mark Adams who returns to the show to discuss his recent book, Mystai: Dancing Out the Mysteries of Dionysos, published by Scarlet Imprint.

Occult of Personality podcast is made possible by you, the listeners, and by the subscribers to https://chamberofreflection.com, our membership site.

Before we get to the show intro, I need to say a few words about our current circumstances. Probably like you, I’m now isolating in a sort of lockdown situation to prevent the spread of the COVID19 virus. I pray that you all stay well and are not too stressed by what is happening. The main point that I want to convey is that this situation, while unusual to us, doesn’t change the fundamental reality in which we exist. Our futures are always uncertain. We never know when the end may arrive. In fact, we all suffer from a fatal condition called beingness. As initiates, occultists, mystics, Freemasons, illuminists, and magicians, we are taught to meditate upon death and impermanence as a most effective way to transform from being self-concerned to caring about the world and others. We must hold this in our minds and always remember that a contagious disease spreading through our communities does not change the fact that we must do the right thing even though it requires courage to do so. Please be brave and know that you can put your spiritual practice to the test in these days. We have the capacity to control our reactions and decisions. Use that ability with wisdom and help those around you who need it. I encourage you to be tender-hearted and compassionate even more so than before. Spread that instead of fear. We must be the light and not just talk about it.

So, in that spirit, beginning this week, I’ll be posting older content from the Chamber of Reflection archive publicly at no charge. I’ll offer a free recording each day of an older interview, presentation, or meditation. Links to this free content will be posted on the Occult of Personality Facebook page and our Twitter starting on Friday, March 27th. During this time when we’re adapting to new circumstances in various ways, the least I can do is offer you some additional content to fill your days with even more magick and mystery.

Now, in episode #201, Peter Mark Adams returns to the show to discuss his wonderful book, Mystai. You can find Peter Mark Adams online at https://petermarkadams.com/. Peter appeared on the show previously to talk about his book, The Game of Saturn (https://occultofpersonality.net/peter-mark-adams/).

“Peter Mark Adams is an author, esotericist, tarotist and professional energy worker; he has been engaged in practical research in the fields of esotericism, energy, consciousness and healing for over 45 years. Peter and his wife run a professional practice dedicated to energy-based healing. Previous publications include Altered States / Parallel Worlds, The Tarot de Marseille Chapbook, The Healing Field: Energy: Consciousness and Transformation; and contributions on ritual, demonic possession and interventions of the deceased in the healing process in the peer reviewed academic journals Paranthropology: Journal of Anthropological Approaches to the Paranormal and the Journal of Exceptional Experiences and Psychology. Peter has acted as an advisor to a television documentary on the paranormal and been a speaker at international academic seminars on healing and consciousness. Peter is an associate member of the European Society for the Study of Western Esotericism (ESSWE).”

“The Dionysian themed frescos of Pompeii’s Villa of the Mysteries constitute the single most important theurgical narrative to have survived in the Western esoteric tradition. No other practitioner account of the ritual process for conducting a mystery rite has survived down to today. The...