Nurture and Support

Nurture and Support

Listen to some great music while you manage your money #189

September 20, 2021

Slow and steady wins the race.  Finally another podcast…..
Mel’s recommendation: You Need a Budget web app
Mel recommends a handy zero-bed based budgeting tool this show.  She has actually been using it for over 6 months and it has proved very useful.  Annual and monthly subscriptions are available.  You also get a free trial period that runs just over a month so you can take it for a spin prior to buying.
Kelly’s recommendation: Oranges & Lemons by XTC
Kelly revisits a favorite album by a too often overlooked band, XTC.  This is a double album featuring 15 songs released in 1989.  Songs range from pop (Mayor of Simpleton) to the more adventurous (Across This Antheap).  Highly listenable!!  
If interested, check out the lengthy Wikipedia article on Oranges & Lemons that I mentioned.
And as promised, the awesome Mayor of Simpleton video…

This episode is also available on YouTube
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Thanks for listening! Mel (@karmic9) and Kelly (@kellythul)