The 10 Minute Business Analytics Podcast | Data Analytics, Big Data, Data Visualization, Data Wareho

The 10 Minute Business Analytics Podcast | Data Analytics, Big Data, Data Visualization, Data Wareho

EP5: Improving Patient Satisfaction, RFID Patient Data Analytics

June 19, 2017

Senior management at the cardiovascular center at the University of Utah had a problem. They knew that patients were unhappy with the service, but they didn’t have enough objective pieces of data to fix it. In an ambitious hospital experiment, they RFID tagged every single person involved. That meant tagging every nurse, doctor, orderly and clerical staff—and, yes, every single patient. These were active RFID tags so the software knew who was standing near who and for how long. They were where they were standing. It gave an objective picture of how many people were waiting for an X-Ray. It found how long injured patients had to wait and how long physicians spent with each patient. It counted how many seconds after a patient alarm sounds and when help arrives. And who arrived last. Steven Tew, the cardiovascular center’s administrator, is running the experiment, tracking 175 patients a day and more than 50 employees. And doing it all with 1,000 active RFID tags, costing about $20 each. Steven joins us today to explore this intriguing analytics goal.