The 10 Minute Business Analytics Podcast | Data Analytics, Big Data, Data Visualization, Data Wareho

The 10 Minute Business Analytics Podcast | Data Analytics, Big Data, Data Visualization, Data Wareho

EP3: How Farmer's Insurance Rebranded using Data Analytics

June 05, 2017

There is little in corporate marketing that is more emotional …. more right brain …. than choosing a new logo. It’s the subliminal messaging from the colors, the shape and everything else that matters. How do executives make that kind of choice without being overly swayed by their own emotions? Mike Linton, the chief marketing officer at the Farmers Insurance Group, thinks he has the answer and it was to let analytics make much of the decision. Well, analytics layered on top of customer surveys and literally hundreds of logo variations. Linton used to be the CMO at eBay and Best Buy—as well as a brand manager at Procter & Gamble. Mike joins us today to talk about how good software is at taking the emotions out of an emotional decision.