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Cynde Interviews Paul Selig, Internationally acclaimed author and channel.

May 03, 2016

Paul Selig is considered to be one of the foremost spiritual channels working today. In his breakthrough works of channeled literature, I Am the Word, The Book of Love and Creation, The Book of Knowing and Worth and The Book of Mastery, author and medium Paul Selig has recorded an extraordinary program for personal and planetary evolution as humankind awakens to its own divine nature.

 A spiritual experience in 1987 left him clairvoyant. As a way to gain a context for what he was beginning to experience he studied a form of energy healing and began to “hear” for his clients. Described as “a medium for the living,” Paul has the unique ability to step-into and “become” the people his clients ask about, often taking on their personalities and physical characteristics as he “hears” them telepathically.

Radio Show Host Cynde Meyer is the CEO, founder and publisher of Spirit Seeker Magazine, a 20 year monthly resource for the Mind, Body and Spirit. She is a weekly radio show host, and has interviewed some of the top authors in the area of Mind, Body and Spirit, including Wayne Dyer, Esther Hicks, don Miguel Ruiz, Marianne Williamson, Dr. & Master Zhi Gang Sha, Dr. Pillai, Doreen Virtue, John Edward, and James Van Praagh. 

Cynde works as a certified Life Coach, Real Estate agent, Feng Shui Consultant and is one of the top ten psychics in St Louis, MO. Her clients call her sessions Spiritual Tuneups!