Nuclear World Network

Nuclear World Network

Heart Attacks Linked to Background Radiation - Nuclear World Network

April 14, 2015

Recorded on April 6th, 2015, Marti quickly checks in just to share a few studies that she ran across while during research.

Model Links Heart Attacks and Strokes to Low Level Background Radiation
Dr. Mark Little and his research team at the Imperial College London have developed a mathematical model which could predict the risk of heart attacks and strokes linked to low level background radiation. Higher levels of background radiation are associated with a higher risk. The model is consistent with previous studies involving workers at nuclear power plants.
Heart attacks and strokes are the leading cause of death and disability in developed countries. It is a known fact that high-doses of radiotherapy causes inflammation in the heart muscle and large arteries which results in an increased level of cardiovascular disease and it’s no a coincidence that nuclear workers  suffer from the same cardiovascular risks associated with exposure to low-level radiation.
The model suggests that radiation kills a type of white blood cell called a monocyte in the walls of arteries. By killing off the monocyte, it creates an undesirable internal climate and leaves the heart vulnerable to inflammation, lesions and atherosclerosis leading to cardiovascular disease. (

Why Biomagnification Matters
All living things are connected through the food chain. A large number of small organisms support the upper portion of the food chain. For example, phytoplankton support the top of the food chain because phytoplankton feed the fish that humans and marine predators eat, but they also provide half of the world’s oxygen supply.
Biomagnification is a big deal because by now, almost every living thing on this planet bears the signature of Fukushima fallout because radioactive isotopes concentrate as they move up the food chain. They tend to migrate and compromise the cellular integrity of specific organs and tissues.
For instance, radioactive cesium tends to accumulate in heart tissue which eventually leads to intramuscular edema, loosened muscle fibers, the destruction of myofibrils which are thin layers of muscle fibers. Wreaking havoc, as it continues to cause an abnormal increase of hemoglobin (the oxygen carrying pigment of blood) within the heart muscle’s nucleus, leading to cells with a shrunken nucleus which ultimately leads to the death of the nucleus.

Links to other studies mentioned in the podcast:

* CsTolen A mouse ear cress & cesium-137 study (
* One legged balance study
* Swedish Healthy Lifestyle Study (
* Dr. Bandazhevsky Radioactive Cesium & Heart Study, 2001 (

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