The Not So Silent Protagonists – Loaded Dice Network

The Not So Silent Protagonists – Loaded Dice Network

Not So Silent Protagonists: Chrono Trigger Episode 4 – Magus, the Big Tits

February 20, 2015

Theatricality and deception.
Konnichiwa nerds and nerdettes.  We have prepared for your listening pleasure the rarest of all birds:  a timely Not So Silent Protagonists!
(Forgive the soupcon of audio clipping — New Jersey tax dollars hard at work holding up a fragile Willy P Wireless network.)
Join the Protagonists, Dubs, Marshall and Ryan, as they jump back into their retrospective playthrough of Square’s 1995 JRPG Opus, Chrono Trigger.  Our gang picks up by grilling Melchior about the broken Masamune, and takes us from the distant past of 65,000,000 B.C. all the way through Magus’ Castle for a show down with the Fiendlord himself.
Along the way we examine the egalitarianism of a primeval culture, get ourselves into a drinking contest before Alka-Seltzer was invented, quantify the amount of dude-age that Magus has living with him at a given time and maybe even discover the true meaning of crankin’ it.
Hold on to your Gate Keys–  It’s the Not So Silent Protagonists!
Make with the subscribe button on iTunes, and drop us a review and rating while you’re at it.  And feed us more delicious comments.  We love them comments.
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