NSFW Podcast

NSFW Podcast

122: Improv with Cassie Parks

August 12, 2016

Life is full of unexpected events, and there is absolutely no way we can know what is going to happen next. Some say that fear is the feeling of unknown, that we are afraid because we do not know what is going to happen next. But I disagree. Fear, is not the feeling of unknown, instead, it is the feeling of being unprepared for what is going to happen. If we are fully prepared to deal with and to improvise on any type of situation that might occur next, then fear will cease to exist.
Today guest is Cassie Parks and she is a lifestyle design strategist. She helps entrepreneurs get super clear on the life they want to be living and help them step into their future self so that that life manifests quickly and easily around them.
As a lifestyle design strategist, Cassie needs to talk to people all the time in order to understand their needs and advise them. This means she needs to be a highly versatile speaker who can handle any situation. And that is precisely the reason why she said yes to joining an improv class. The skills that she learned from the improv class has not only improved her public speaking techniques, but also significantly boosted her confidence.
In today’s episode, Cassie shares with us her unique experience with improv class, which includes:

* How she thinks about improv class.
* What are some of the things that she have learned from the improv classes and what she think is the most valuable lesson.
* The doubt and resistance that she faced when she started her improv class.
* How improv class has helped her to become more confident and a better speaker.

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