No Smoking: A Constantine Podcast

No Smoking: A Constantine Podcast

Latest Episodes

NS3 - Constantine - S1E3 -The Devil’s Vinyl
November 09, 2014

Constantine - S1E3 -The Devil's Vinyl This week Jamie and Benn solve their audio issues by going live on mixlr to discuss Constantine season 1 episode 3 "The Devil's Vinyl" written by Mark Verheiden & directed by Romeo Tirone. This is an episode that t

NS2 - Constantine - S1E2 - The Darkness Beneath
November 09, 2014

NS2 - Constantine - S1E2 - The Darkness Beneath This episode is almost unlistenable as Benn and Jamie's technical difficulties with Google Hangouts OnAir continue.  If you do listen you might hear an insightful conversation about the politics in Constant

NS1 - Constantine - S1E1 - Non Est Asylum
November 02, 2014

Constantine - S1E1 - Non Est Asylum This is the first podcast from Benn and Jamie about the new NBC Show Constantine.  Listen as they break down the inaugural episode "Non Est Asylum."  Jamie is a non-reader of the comic and Benn is a reader so each br