The NRR “Chat By The Fireside” with Bryan Wilton: “Current Observations in Heathenry”

September 01, 2016

Welcome to this week's edition of the "NRR Chat By The Fireside" with Bryan Wilton! This week's edition is entitled "Current Observations on Heathen Life"

In this episode Bryan talks about some of the things going on in Heathenry right now, and how the main focus needs to change from manipulated conflict to growing in our selves and with our families. This is a broadcast that speaks for itself in many ways and needs to be listened to. It is our hope that you will take the time to listen to this broadcast and share it with your friends and those that are around you. Too long have people allow themselves to be Pawns of other people's design rather than acting in accordance with their own will. Ultimately the freedom of the human spirit end of self-determination not only individually but in our families is something that needs to be remembered.

Held each and everyone of you! Please feel free to subscribe to the RSS feed so that you don't miss another broadcast. You can do that through the Podbean APP, are there any existing podcast aggregator including iTunes!

Until Next Time...

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