Hugin Hof Kindred on The NRR! “The Importance of Oaths and The Use of Technology”

August 28, 2016

For those that missed the first airing of this monthly show!

This will definitely be a very interesting episode and one that will cause you to stop and think about the way things are done in this modern age of ours.
Byron describes this episode in his own words:
"Here we discuss the importance of oaths and the role of technology in ritual. We ask how much technology is too much, can it be a tool and when does it become a distraction."
I know I have always enjoyed the philosophical and deeply thought out podcasts that come from Hugin Hof Kindred, and I know that you do as well! Feel free to take a look at their podcasts and their site: also the new archive site where their podcasts are housed directly:
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Hail to each and every one of you!

**The opinions expressed are those of the participants in each podcast offering, not necessarily the positions of the NRR or of any other of our Network Partners**

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