The NRR “Chat By The Fireside” with Bryan Wilton: “Chapter 2 of ‘A Creation of The Mind’”

August 25, 2016

**A replay that seems appropriate in the current issues facing many in recent times**

Welcome to this edition of the NRR "Chat By The Fireside" with Bryan Wilton.

In this special episode Bryan reads a chapter from a book he is writing and explains the core message of what he wants to convey. The power of the human mind to create the reality we experience! This is not a new thing to understand, as it has been shared down through the ages. The indoctrination of our modern societies would have you believe however, that you exist to work, consume goods and die! This is the insidious nature of what thinking processes we have been raised with (the majority of us anyway) and why we MUST break this LIE we have all been fed.

There are many ways to do this, and Bryan talks about one of them in this episode. Please feel free to download and share this episode and to subscribe to our RSS feed which can be done on our site here by clicking the little "wireless" icon to the right of the "Share" button in the left column. Hail to each of you, and check Bryan out on Amazon as he has written a number of books you may want to get ahold of.

Until next time...

**The content of each broadcast is the expression of the contributor(s)**

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