The Runic Series:”Tiwaz, Tiw & Tyr”

August 16, 2016

The episode that is being released this week is on their Rune Tiwaz, Tiw, or Tyr depending on the system you are using.
This is a Rune of great power and is the first rune of the third aett, meaning that it is the first level of the third degree of initiation into the Runic powers!  The last Rune that we dealt with in the second aett was Sowilo, Sol or Sig which was the culmination of the second degree of initiation bringing about the power to break free of the inertia holding us back in both personal and collective evolution.  The Rune Tiwaz is the next step which not only breaks us free from inner blockages in a more powerful way, but allows us to achieve our goals based upon the right action of our will, which is already connected to the higher aspects of our consciousness from our initiatory experiences with all the previous Runes we have gone through up till this point.  
The Rune Tiwaz or Tyr bears the name of course, of the god Tyr who was the bravest and most honorable of the gods.  He is famous for losing his sword hand to the jaws of the Fenrir wolf knowing that he was going to lose his hand beca
use it was held in the jaws of this wolf as a pledge when the gods bound him with a magical cord made by the dwarves.  That honor, the keeping of sacred oath even to one's own hurt, the perseverance of carrying on even though things are hard are all part of the energy of the Rune.  The very shape of this Rune is like that of a spear, or an arrow.  If you have moved forward building upon the initiation of each for rune in succession up to this point, the power of this rune can shoot you forward through the veil into levels of consciousness that you never thought possible!

**The opinions expressed are those of the participants in each podcast offering, not necessarily the positions of the NRR or of any other of our Network Partners**

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