Hugin Hof Kindred on The NRR! “Northern Magic From A Historical Perspective”

July 23, 2016

For those that missed the first airing!

A warm welcome to all of our listeners both new and old!  Released here this weekend on our RSS feed is the brand-new podcast from Hugin Hof Kindred!  The episode they have for us today is entitled "Northern Magic In a Historical Context".

This is definitely an episode that you will not want to miss and something that will no doubt be of great interest to you.  Below Byron describes the topic they are addressing in his own words:

"Here Lore and I discuss magic in a historical sense asking weather our ancestors practiced it and how they may have done so. We look to the Lore and Sagas for possible examples and ask when and how it is appropriate to meditate from the Asatru perspective."

Find them on our Network Partner's Page: or their main site:
Also check out the NRR links at the bottom of this posting 

Please feel free to stream, download, share, and embed if it is your desire, this and any of our episodes that are on the server.  It is our desire to see everyone have a voice and an opportunity to be heard.  By sharing our broadcasts you are partners with us as well and getting the word out for the awakening of people to who they really are, not what society in its indoctrinations have told them they are!

Let us take a listen to the Hugin Hof kindred podcast for July 2016!

**The opinions expressed are those of the participants in each podcast offering, not necessarily the positions of the NRR or of any other of our Network Partners**

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