The NRR “Chat By The Fireside” with Bryan Wilton: “A Life of Expectation”.

July 21, 2016

Welcome one and all to this week's edition of the NRR "Chat By The Fireside" with Bryan Wilton!  This week's edition is entitled "A Life of Expectation".

In this episode Bryan talks about a new book that he is writing that is not only for the heathen community but for the general world at large.  He talks about some very important points that we also hit on in some of our flagship broadcasts that are vitally important for seeing change occur not only in our own lives but in the world we live in.  Many times we have talked in our broadcasts about overcoming the indoctrination that we have been subjected to since art birth, Bryan describes this in different words very accurately and although he uses different terminology the concept is strikingly similar.  People are beginning to understand more and more as they awaken that we have been enslaved, or more properly, that we have been trained to enslave ourselves both collectively and individually in such a way as the vicious cycle of failure, and settling for what has been decided on as the "norm" all of our lives.  We need to be able to break free from this in order to truly change our thought processes and allow ourselves to realize not only the negative consequences, but the positive consequences of taking responsibility for our own actions and thoughts.  I thoroughly enjoyed this broadcast and I trust that you will as well.

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Let's hear what Bryan has to say…

**The opinions expressed are those of the participants in each podcast offering, not necessarily the positions of the NRR or of any other of our Network Partners**

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