NPPBC's Media Ministry

NPPBC's Media Ministry

Having Faith

February 28, 2021

Why do we faint? We often faint due to fear.
Mark 9:23
Romans 4:18-20
We have to believe in God and trust in God no matter what. God is bigger than anything that will ever come against you. No matter what comes against you He will always make a way of escape.
Galatians 3:22
We always ask God for something in our prayers. Matthew 7:11; you must increase your faith. One must want to grow in God and have a desire to grow in God. God hasn’t moved and hasn’t changed since the beginning of time. So if He hasn’t changed what has? We have changed. 
Money or anything material isn’t where your faith needs to be placed because those things can’t be taken with you when you die. We are to tell God what we need but we also need to believe that in what we ask Him, He will do.Belief brings forth action. If you believe that God has you then you will show an action behind it and you will act like God loves you.
Hebrew 11:6; One MUST believe in order to be blessed. There’s not a single out there that doesn’t want a blessing. If we got rid of all of our distractions in our life and got into God’s word then our lives would change. If it’s a weight then it needs to be removed. A TV can be used for good but if it takes time away from God then it has become a weight. 
We want God to do all these mighty things but are YOU available? We need to start making ourselves available in order for God to use us.