No, Totally!

No, Totally!

What To Expect When You're Expecting (2012) with Amir Talai, Part 2 - No, Totally! #160

May 16, 2017

Part two of Shaun's spontaneous, awkward, sort-of DVD commentary with actor Amir Talai, of What To Expect When You're Expecting. Follow Amir on Twitter: @amirtalai These episodes don't happen without your support. Thank you! Pledge as little as $1 per week at: For a no-cost way of supporting the show, do all of your Amazon shopping from This will take you to Amazon's front page, and every purchase you make will send a few pennies our way. Thank you! Rating and reviewing us on iTunes is one of the most helpful things you could possibly do for us, and you can do it here: Comment at our website: http://nototally.comLike us on Facebook: at Shaun on Twitter: Brian on Twitter: