Not A Single Fork

Not A Single Fork

274: Everything Old Is New Again

October 20, 2023

Here we go with another look at Retro Foods. This time foods that are making a comeback.

As usual, we disagree with any number of items on this list but most of them have stories behind them. Lots of storytelling going on in this episode.

We spend an inordinate amount of time on Jello. I think it's because neither one of us get it and yet I grew up on it and Natalia does love a good Jello shot.

If you want a few more opinions, stick around for Natalia's rundown on martinis and why she thinks people drink them.

In the end, why would retro food be making a comeback? With all of the world's turmoil, people need some comfort and food, one of our basic needs, fills the bill for so many of us. It kind of makes sense that we need something comforting, right now.

You can listen to us here or wherever you get your podcasts and thanks for listening.

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