Not A Single Fork

Not A Single Fork

Are You Going To Eat That?

September 08, 2023

I love lists.

It doesn't matter if it's a checklist, a to-do list or a list of foods. I'm all in. In today's episode, I read a list of exotic foods to Natalia and we dish about whether we would try them.

Many interesting stories are told and re-told as we wind our way through durian, fetal duck eggs and the popular one around here, Rocky Mountain Oysters (euphemistic term for bull testicles).

Deep fry anything and it will probably be somewhat edible, right?

We love hearing about, talking about and thinking about all different kinds of foods and this list did not disappoint. Lots of things we didn't think of or even heard of in a few cases.

You can see the unedited version on YouTube @thegirlcancook or listen in wherever you get your podcasts.
